Sunday, December 20, 2009


The last two weeks of my life have been commited to studying, reading, and taking notes for finals. My brain is fried. The grading system is different here. Its the same grading scale that collages use. Speaking of collage that is where im going next year. Im taking a dual credit class for biology. Well actually intro to Bio. I havent taken chemisty yet so I cant go straight into biology. But thats ok. My science teacher here wont teach anything. Actually on our finals for his class he put such a huge curve on them that we all got at least a 91%. Haha... but I guess that makes things easy for us. Because I want to be a nurse I kinda need those classes though so thats why im taking the dual credit. Im actually really excited for it. Kinda nervous but cant wait! We are out of school until the 5th for christmas. Yeah christmas break!!!!

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