Thursday, September 18, 2008

Weird day

Hi everyone!! I hope that you like my blog. Like I said it is farly new so all the kinks are still being worked out. I know thats its not as cool a sommers!! Haha. Just kidding. Today during keyboarding class my teacher pulled me out of class. At first I thought on no what did I do and ran everything that I had done throgh my head. Then he said dont worry your not introuble. So that was good. Then he said that he had noticed that I had taken a keybording class already. I really didnt know what to say. Then he said that he was worried that I was feeling punished because I was finished with my work before everyone else. I was like um.. no. Its fine. That was a little weird to me. Being pumished because i was done before everyone else. Huh. Well it was nice of him to be concerned I guess.


The Mighty Jeka said...

hello love. It's fun to see you have a blog. Maybe I shall make a blog as cool as yours is haha. I can't wait to see what else you do with it. I bet it'll look amazing. If you ever need any ideas let me know and I'll see if I can help. How's it been going all the way over in Illinois? I can't wait to see you around Christmas time. I hope to hear from you soon. Love you lots. -Jessie

Blue room said...

Thanks so much jessica!! I love you to. Do you know how to change the back ground? It seems like eveyone has the same background. Sommers has the coolest one.I might just leave her a comment and ask her how she did it. Im doing fine! How are you doing at the big collage? I miss you soooo much!! Love you jessie!

The Mighty Jeka said...

I'm not quite sure how to change the background on your blog, but I'm sure I could figure it out if I played around with it for a while. It would however be much easier to just ask Sommers. I love college life. Its really fun. Are you doing anything fun for Halloween? I'm going to an institute dance in Pocatello with a couple of my friends. Ha it will be pretty crazy and so much fun. Pocatello is about 30 min away ha. So I met someone who was pretty good friends with Matt when he lived in New Hampshire. I thought it was cool that I met him and he knew Matt. How is the boy? I miss you too. Love you lots and lots.

Blue room said...

Hey Jeka!!! You know that you are like the only one that talks to me on here but thats ok. Its fun to talk to you this way! No way that is so cool. What was his name? That shows just how "small the world is", doesnt it? I am going to be Pippi- longstocking but it just doesnt look right you know. I am not one of those people that can throw anything on and look good. But I can try! haha!!! He is ok. Nothing has happened. I think that we are going to go for a walk tonight though. You know to take his little sister trick-or-treating. Ok welll I love you lots Jeka, and cant wait to see you again. You need to start one of your own! That would be so cool!

The Mighty Jeka said...

The guy's name that knows Matt is Gabe. He is a pretty cool guy. We don't really hang out that much, which is ok. I went to Pocatello this weekend with Josh. We had so much fun. I'm getting to know him a lot more and he is such an amazing guy. We rode four wheelers, played football with a bunch of other guys, played video games and I met most of his best friends and they are really cool too. Ha I will work on making my own page, but I don't know how much time I can put into making one cause of all of my school work that I have to do. How was trick-or-treating with 'whats-his-name'? I love you so much. ttyl- Jeka

The Mighty Jeka said...

so I now have a blog spot. it is '' I think. I haven't done anything with it, and I don't know when I will be able to. but I have one. love you

Blue room said...

cool! I love its color. My uncle and I monkeyed with it. so anyway.. love ya.