Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This last weekend I went to homecoming. It was soooo much fun! We danced and ate and talked. It was a blast. A couple friends and I went to dinner at cheddars. Then we headed for the dance. When we got there we had to do this thing called the grand march. Its where a teacher annouces you and your date. It was nerve- wracking. I hate doing things like that. But its not like there was a hundered people there... so I guess that It wasnt that bad. Then we went and got pictures. There was a little stand that you could have your picture taken. I was looking at the the pictures that my A. Heather took and they are great pictures... but next to Jesse I look like I am in 7th grade. I hope that I grow. Jesse got me this beautiful corsage. (I dont think tha I spelled that right, but o'well) : ) Anyway... I had a really fun time and cant wait for next year!